Sunday, November 18, 2012

Things I did for Activity days that can be adapted for Young Womens

When I was activity days leader the girls got to go to a Valiant Miss Conference, they have one every year and the theme that year was "Modesty Matters." I loved it and thought that we should do something like it for our ward. It was a really cute thing for them to do and they agreed.

So I wrote a skit. We asked moms and older sisters if they had modest dresses that we could use to display. Then the girls (mind you these girls are ages 8-11) acted out the skit while I directed. It was a lot of fun. There were invitations made that went home with parents, we even invited the ward to come and see our skit. I was really impressed with the turnout we had at least 30 people (I really think there were more) for our small ward tat is a big feat for a Wednesday night. The young women were there and their leaders the bishopric and the primary presidency. As well as many parents who were not all members either I might add. :) We had lots of laughs and a huge applause at the end and I was very proud of them for doing such a great job!! At the end we all signed a pledge poster stating that Modesty Mattered and that we would be modest and invited all who were there to sign it as well. Then we served M&M's.

The girls not only did a great job they all had fun too!! Below is the skit I wrote if you wish to use it go right ahead if there is something you don't understand leave a comment and with your e-mail and I will address it.

 Finding Something to Wear for My Cousin's Wedding

People needed 6

Righteous Girl: Modestly dressed

Godmother:Sunday dress (I would recommend an older adult)

Worldly Girl #1: Over a modest t-shirt has spaghetti noodles taped to her shoulders to represent spaghetti strap tank top

Worldly Girl #2: Over a modest shirt has stuffed bears attached to her shoulders to represent bare shoulders.

Worldly Girl #3: Over a modest shirt has a stuffed bear attached to her belly and below that over pants has saran wrap with mini chocolate bars (like snickers, butterfinger, ect) in it to represent a bare belly and mini skirt.

Worldly Girl #4: Over a modest shirt has a plunger tied around her neck and on her backside a pipe wrench in representation of a plunging neckline and plumbers crack.

*This represents actions that the person is doing these this are not said*

Righteous Girl: *sigh* oh I wish I could figure out what to wear to my cousin's wedding, I need help!! *sigh's again then places her hand on the side of her head thinking*

Godmother:*comes in to aid the girl* Oh sweetheart, you know I can help you with that.

Righteous Girl: *surprised* who are you?

Godmother:*answers* I m your Godmother and I have been sent to help you. Now *points to the door* let's see what some girls think is fashionable shall we.

Worldly Girl #1:*comes in wearing "spaghetti" straps tank top*

Righteous Girl:Are tose supposed to be sleeves? It looks like I could eat them.

Godmother:That is why they are called spaghetti straps. Do you think you could make this modest?

Righteous Girl:Yeah all you would have to do is put a t-shirt under it or a sweater or light jacket over it.

Godmother: Good that is exactly what you could do. Lets see the next one and tell me wat you think.

Worldly Girl #2:*comes in with bare shoulders*

Righteous Girl:That is pretty but.....................

Godmother:*finishes righteous girls sentence* she is showing way to much skin and our Heavenly Father wouldn't like that would he?

Righteous Girl: No! He wouldn't maybe the next one will be better.

Worldly Girl #3: *comes in with a "bare belly and saran wrap skirt with candy attached*

Righteous Girl:I really like that skirt but it is too miniature and that top............

Godmother: Yes that top shows way too much bear belly. You shouldn't be able to see your belly button when wearing a proper shirt. I wonder what they are going to bring out next?

Worldly Girl #4:*comes in with a mini sink plunger around her neck and a pipe wrench on her backside*

Righteous Girl: Oh wow!! She is defiantly showing too much of everything!!

Godmother:Yes that plunging neckline and plumbers crack is out of line. You can't wear that to a wedding *goes over to the curtain and moves it * These are some examples of appropriate attire right here.

Righteous Girl: If this was right here then why did we see all that?

Godmother:because I wanted you to know what was appropriate and to know what was not so that you knew what you could wear to the wedding Just remember it is as easy as a song.

""All the worldly girls enter the stage and sing "Head shoulders Knees and Toes"

Godmother: Here let them explain.......................

Worldly Girl #1: Head-Lift your arms up to make sure your shirts and dresses are long enough to cover what they are supposed to.

Worldly Girl #2: Shoulders-Make sure they are covered.

Worldly Girl #3: Knees-Make sure skirts and shorts are to here.

Worldly Girl #4:Toes-When you bend over to touch your toes make sure that you shirt skirt pants or dress don't expose your bottom or bare back.

Godmother: Now that you know all you have to do is remember the song and it will help you pick out the perfect outfit for not just the wedding but everyday without question.

Righteous Girl:Thank-you Godmother *gives her a hug* you sure made it easy.

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