Friday, November 16, 2012

I am not weird I am Mormon go figure.

First I am going to share what I believe and my faith. I am a member of the Church Of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS or Mormon for those who know it as that.) I am proud that I am. I believe in it's teachings and I know that they are true. I know the book of Mormon is true. I believe there is a profit on this earth and he communicates with God. His name is Thomas S Monson.I know people have their own ideas about religion and all that go with it. This however is not me trying to convince you that my church is true I just want to share it with the world.

I went inactive for awhile after my last child was born, but my truth has never changed. I have had blessings presented to me by priesthood holders that have not only helped the situation but healed. I have seen the power of fervent prayer, I have seen the power and blessings of the temple.

See how pretty the Detroit Temple is? Inside is way better so beautiful and peaceful.

The reason I came back to church, simple I had things and people and all manner of signs telling me to go back that I was needed there. Then along came the Elders and the Bishop. Well I credit the Elders most because they never gave up on us. (I know it is part of their job to reactivate people to come back to church but they became a part of our family I really don't even think they know that yet.) Wacky young men that leave their home and family for 2 years to serve the church and God. (Women to if they want to that is.) I know the reason that I was supposed to go back. I was needed to teach and be a leader in Young Womens. Plain and simple and I was needed to help out some people with their calling. I am very excited about what I am doing. It will be a challenge but I love it. Also another reason is that it is helping my family. My children (the older 2 anyway) love to go to their classes and they are learning about God. Ashley cries when she goes into the nursery but after about 5 minutes she is fine and even if she sees me she is still okay. At first with her I had to sneak by and hope she didn't see, but now all is well.

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