Saturday, January 19, 2013

Questions and Answered Prayers

Febuary 27 1998,  I had been a member of the church for about 7 months at the time when this had occurred. I was visiting some friends in Ont. Canada for the week, where I was baptized, at the time I was living with my Grandmother in Michigan. I had got very close to the Elder who had baptized me, his name is Alan Stanford. I had written letters to his family and became Pen-pals with his little sister Becca. I was very curious about how he was doing because at the time I wasn't able to get a letter from him or his family. (There was a mix-up at the post office and they were sending my mail back to the senders.) So in prayer I asked if he was doing well and how his family was. 

I had the opportunity to go to visit my good friends the MacDonald's in Sarnia Ont. While I was there Br. MacDonald was looking for a job. He was going on a lot of interviews. One in particular was in Stratford Ont. So his wife and I accompanied him on the trip it was somewhere between 2-3 hrs on the road each way. As we were driving we sang church hymns all the way there. Br. MacDonald was in the interview for 2hrs everything went very smoothly. On the way home we were blessed with a beautiful sunset, I couldn't help but marvel at Heavenly Fathers work, it was spectacular. 
As I was admiring the sunset we noticed that there were people alongside the road taking pictures. Br. MacDonald (being Ward Mission Leader at the time) recognized them right away as missionaries and shouted "that's Elder Stanford!" We pulled over to the side of the road.

(This is not the picture they took but one very similar to it.)

By this time they had already gotten back in their car and were driving away as they rode past us Br. MacDonald beeped the horn several times to get their attention. They then parked in front of us and got out of the car. As the Elder and Sisters walked up, I was so floored to see my answer right in front of me. He came to the window of the old station wagon that we were in and was amazed to see the MacDonald's I sat up to the front seat from the back and quietly said "Hi Elder Stanford" and he was overjoyed to see me. We made plans to meet up at a diner we saw along the side of the road so that we could catch up on what was going on in our lives. I seriously could have done cartwheels I was so excited. (Now mind you I have never been able to do a cartwheel in my life I just knew though that if I tried that day I may have been able to. So much adrenaline and excitement at the same time. Thank goodness I didn't have a heart condition, that could have been bad.)
At the diner the Elder explained about what was going on with the letters and that he too had often prayed to know how I was doing. He had also told me that he was supposed to be somewhere else that day but the plans did not work out.  We then knew it was divine intervention that we happened to meet up in such a manner. He told us that he was an assistant to the Mission President and that he had been doing very well on his mission and how much he loved it. I told him of my callings in the church and how much I loved it. (At the time I was a part of a small ward and at the most I held 3 callings.)
After our dinner we exchanged addresses again to make sure that we had the right ones. I was on a spiritual high for days after this meeting, even after the years since it warms my heart to think of it. Even though Br. MacDonald did not get the job we found that the reason that we had such positive spirits about going to this interview had been the answer to not only my prayer, but, Elder Stanford's as well. Had I made the choice not to go I would have missed out on seeing my friend. I am thankful that the choice I made was the right one. I have been a member for almost 16 years and since that night I have made many right choices because of the things that Elder and his companion have taught me. I married my sweetheart in the Temple I have a wonderful family and children that I adore. Before I had met the missionaries I had often prayed to find the true Church Of God. They brought me that gift and I am thankful for it every day, even though I didn't want to let them in at first. I know that Heavenly Father answers our prayers we just have to listen to get the answer, although it doesn't hurt when you are with the right people too. I know that when we pray that Heavenly Father really hears what we say although we don't always see the outcome He knows what is best. I have learned that to trust in Him and he will never lead you to disaster.

JS Matthew 1:1 "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord, in the clouds of heaven, and all the Holy Angels with him. Then understood his disciples that he should come again on the earth, after that he was glorified and crowned on the right hand of God." 

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