Did you know that you love someone who has depression? I would bet that a good majority of you would say "oh yeah who?" to that question. The truth is many of us know someone who has depression we just don't know it because we are really good at hiding it. We are they who joke a lot, throw suspicion off ourselves and onto someone or something else. Sometimes we don't even know it ourselves until something comes up and smacks you dead in the face as if to say "WAKE UP THIS IS NOT NORMAL!!"

I suffer from depression and I have triggers with it stress being a huge one of mine, I worry ........ a lot. I can't help it and my self esteem....... ha did it ever exist? I don't see things through a regular persons eyes I see them through mine everyone is judging me, calling me fat, saying I can't control my kids, asking to the people they are with why doesn't she do something, why doesn't her husband help her with the kids, all I hear is why, why, what, no way, fatty or when people do talk to me they don't look at me directly they look away like talking to me is the worst thing they could be caught doing. Really I am a nice person I have feelings and I hurt too. There are days I don't want to get out of bed but because I have kids I do just for them but.................................... then there are times like right now that I just want to stop doing things and I go on because I need to finish what I started. You know when I realized I had an issue, was when I talked with my husband and we talked about the things that people who have depression suffer from and dun-dun-dun-da guess what??? I had most of the warning signs. Hello wake-up call thanks for the slap back to reality!! I am taking the steps to get help. What is causing my depression? Uh you really don't want to go into that list of crap. I think you would be reading forever if that were the case really all I know is that it is a lot but the most is my family. There is a lot going on with it my son with autism, my husband with his list of disabilities and issues, my father in-law who is dying and mother-in-law because of my father-in-law and the list goes on.
They say that depression affects 1 in 10 at some point in life, well I would say it is a lot higher then that really, partly because I know a lot of people suffer from depression in my life. No matter what the cause of depression telling someone to get over it is just not acceptable. In fact that is more hurtful then helpful. If you really want to help someone lighten their load a bit, talk to them and listen really listen. Above all pay attention to detail there is always a sign of some sort.
While I am truly sad that such a wonderful entertainer is gone from the world his last great act in life was to bring the topic of Depression to the limelight. Now that people are talking about depression, let's take notice and DO something about it.
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